Brooklyn NY 11201: 141 Livingston Street Address Information

Welcome to 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn NY 11201, a bustling address in the heart of downtown Brooklyn. This prime location offers convenience, accessibility, and a vibrant city atmosphere. Whether you’re a resident, an employee, or just passing through, this address has something to offer for everyone.


The address of 141 Livingston Street is situated in a highly desirable area of Brooklyn. It is surrounded by a variety of amenities, including restaurants, shops, and entertainment options. Additionally, the address is easily accessible via public transportation, making it a convenient destination for both locals and visitors.

Proximity to Landmarks

141 Livingston Street is located just a short distance from popular Brooklyn landmarks, such as Brooklyn Bridge Park, the Barclays Center, and the Brooklyn Academy of Music. This makes it an ideal location for those looking to explore the best that Brooklyn has to offer.


At 141 Livingston Street, you can find a range of facilities and services to cater to your needs. From residential buildings to commercial spaces, this address offers a diverse array of options for residents, employees, and visitors alike.

Residential Options

Those looking to make 141 Livingston Street their home can choose from a variety of residential buildings in the area, each offering unique amenities and living spaces.

Commercial Spaces

The address is also home to a number of businesses, including offices, retail spaces, and more. This makes it a hub of activity and an ideal location for those seeking to establish or grow their business in Brooklyn.

Overall, 141 Livingston Street is a dynamic and desirable address in Brooklyn NY 11201, offering a prime location, convenient access to landmarks, and a range of facilities to suit various needs. Whether you’re a resident, employee, or visitor, this address has something to offer for everyone.

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